Network Digital Twin
Running the 5G network is a complex task, but it could be made easier, and more interactive, with a ‘digital twin’ of the network. A digital twin is a virtual replica of an object or system – a very complex computer model that uses the live data from the actual system.
In this area of research, the Wu Lab team are using machine learning techniques to help develop a digital twin for network slicing – these are some of the first steps towards making a digital twin of the entire 5G network.
To find out more, check out the video, have a look over the infographic and read the recent paper summary to understand the progress so far.
To understand more about how the Wu Lab team are making the network digital twin, have a look at our infographic:
Infographic-2-finalNetwork Digital Twin: Recent Paper Summary
Digital Twin Outreach Activities
We’ve been working with the Exeter Mathematics School students on mini-projects related to our work. Have a look at our outreach page to learn more!